Profi Injans Hydrogen
Ymchwil a Datblygu Cerbydau Hydrogen yn y Ganolfan Hydrogen
Bydd y Ganolfan hefyd yn cynnal ystod o weithgareddau ymchwil a datblygu i gerbydau hydrogen. Mae hyn yn cynnwys ymchwil i injans tanio mewnol hydrogen a chymysgedd hydrogen. Mae rig arbrofi injans hydrogen a adeiladwyd yn unswydd wedi'i osod yn y Ganolfan Hydrogen er mwyn cynnal yr ymchwil hwn.
At hyn, bydd y Ganolfan Hydrogen yn gallu ail-lenwi cerbydau fel y minibws Trybrid a ddatblygwyd gan Uned Ymchwilio i Reolaeth Uwch a Rhwydwaith Technoleg y Brifysgol. Mae'r Ganolfan Hydrogen felly'n darparu lleoliad ar gyfer gwaith ymchwil, datblygu ac arddangos amrywiaeth o gerbydau hydrogen.
A test system for small to medium sized engines is under construction at the centre. The eddy current dynamometer is capable of testing engines with outputs up to 150 kW. Testing will initially focus on spark ignition engines and later move to include rotary and compression ignition engines.
Whilst the primary focus of the centre is hydrogen, other fuels will also be investigated. These include CNG; CNG/H2 blends; Bio fuels and blends of petrol/diesel with hydrogen and CNG.
Areas of interest other than fuels are the technical challenges to developing a competitive hydrogen engine such as injector technology, fuel injection strategy and engine timings, EGR and emissions levels.
Engines will be tested both with a view to being used as the solo power source in a vehicle to use as a range extender in a hybrid vehicle.